Esther Benbassa, Being Jewish after Gaza – German edition

The book Being Jewish after Gaza has been translated into German language, the Titel of the French original is “Etre juif après Gaza”. It is an ethical outcry by the renowned Jewish professor Esther Benbassa in response to the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza during Israel’s last campaign. For her, the memory of the Jews exterminated by the Holocaust obliges Israel to behave humanely and ethically. She shows how the Shoah shapes the Israeli and Jewish self-understanding and deduces from the commemoration of the Holocaust the imperative to also recognise the suffering of the Palestinians. At the same time, she does not excuse Palestinian politicians for missing opportunities for peace or for terrorism. She defends Israel’s existence, advocates for a Palestinian state and analyses the reasons for missed opportunities for peace. This book is sparking intense debate in France and is a bestseller there.

Excerpts from the French press:

a controversial but courageous book that sounds like a cry of alarm….

a book that is very dense, very dark and very clear at the same time….

Le Nouvel Observateur…
appreciate the author’s ability to present such complex issues so clearly and simply….

Le Monde…
for her, the solution is a peace that has been forced upon them….

You can purchase the book here and the e-book is available here.