Category Archives: Non-fiction books

New edition of the original edition of ‘Pendu à Auschwitz’ by Sim Kessel

Founded by the resistance fighter Raoul Raviola under his nom de guerre, Éditions Solar published the autobiography of the resistance fighter and Auschwitz survivor Sim Kessel in 1970, entitled ‘Pendu à Auschwitz’.

The work was awarded the ‘Prix littéraire de la Résistance’ in 1970.

After this important work had been out of print for many years and could only be found as a second-hand book, it is now being re-released in 2024 by our Franco-German book publishing house ‘Les Éditions du Crieur Public’. The English language version will also be available again soon. In addition, translations into Spanish and Polish are in progress.

Here is a first summary of the autobiography ‘Pendu à Auschwitz’:
In the dark turmoil of history, there are stories that emerge like rays of light in the darkness. This is much more than a chronicle of suffering; it is the story of infinite courage and resilience and the indelible power of hope.
Beyond Horror is an homage to the triumph of the human spirit, even in the face of unspeakable horror. In a world where forgetting threatens to erase the lessons of the past, this book stands as a living memorial, reminding us all of the importance of remembering, understanding and, above all, never ceasing to hope.
Sim Kessel survived the depths of terror in Auschwitz to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of inhumanity. Between the lines of this story, the voices of those who died in silence can also be heard.

Esther Benbassa, Being Jewish after Gaza – German edition

The book Being Jewish after Gaza has been translated into German language, the Titel of the French original is “Etre juif après Gaza”. It is an ethical outcry by the renowned Jewish professor Esther Benbassa in response to the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza during Israel’s last campaign. For her, the memory of the Jews exterminated by the Holocaust obliges Israel to behave humanely and ethically. She shows how the Shoah shapes the Israeli and Jewish self-understanding and deduces from the commemoration of the Holocaust the imperative to also recognise the suffering of the Palestinians. At the same time, she does not excuse Palestinian politicians for missing opportunities for peace or for terrorism. She defends Israel’s existence, advocates for a Palestinian state and analyses the reasons for missed opportunities for peace. This book is sparking intense debate in France and is a bestseller there.

Excerpts from the French press:

a controversial but courageous book that sounds like a cry of alarm….

a book that is very dense, very dark and very clear at the same time….

Le Nouvel Observateur…
appreciate the author’s ability to present such complex issues so clearly and simply….

Le Monde…
for her, the solution is a peace that has been forced upon them….

You can purchase the book here and the e-book is available here.

Sim Kessel: “Hanged in Auschwitz” – The autobiography of a survivor

In 2019, on the 100th anniversary of his birth, the story of survival and suffering by and about Sim Kessel was published. The young Frenchman, Jew and professional boxer, wrote his autobiography about the years 1940-45 in 1969, describing how he survived against all odds in Auschwitz and other concentration and extermination camps of the Nazi regime.

Cover picture Sim Kesel, Hanged in Auschwitz, Crieur Public

Continue reading Sim Kessel: “Hanged in Auschwitz” – The autobiography of a survivor

Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch, Eric Deroo und Sandrine Lemaire: Menschenzoos – Schaufenster der Unmenschlichkeit

Die Originalausgabe „Zoos humains“ wurde von Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch, Eric Deroo und Sandrine Lemaire erarbeitet.

Das auch heute noch bewusst oder unterbewusst verbreitete Bild des Wilden, des „Negers“, des Exoten wurde in der Zeit von 1860 bis 1930 in Europa, Amerika und Japan durch Menschenzoos geprägt. Millionen von Menschen gingen „mit Kind und Kegel“ in den Zoo oder zu den Ausstellungen, um erstmals in ihrem Leben „die Wilden“ zu sehen. Diese wurden hinter Zäunen ausgestellt, wie Tiere. Oftmals wurden diese Menschen auch zwischen den Käfigen mit wilden Tieren platziert . Gelegentlich fand sich auch der entsprechende Hinweis „Bitte nicht füttern“. Continue reading Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch, Eric Deroo und Sandrine Lemaire: Menschenzoos – Schaufenster der Unmenschlichkeit

Abdennour Bidar: Offener Brief an die muslimische Welt

Als erstes Werk von dem in Frankreich sehr bekannten und viel beachteten Philosophen Abdennour Bidar liegt nun in deutscher Sprache das Buch “Offener Brief an die muslimische Welt” vor. In diesem setzt er sich, selbst Moslem, ebenso besorgt wie kritisch mit dem Zustand der muslimischen Welt im Zeichen des IS auseinander.

Continue reading Abdennour Bidar: Offener Brief an die muslimische Welt